We did it! Teens from the Escondido Public Library's Teen Summer Reading Club won the Minute to Win It National Teen Lock-In Challenge! And according to the judges, there was no competition! Check out our trophy!
But Minute to Win It was just one part of the amazing Creatures of the Night Lock-In that we hosted for the teens who read and/or attended library events for 25 hours or more. This was the first time I had ever hosted an after-hours lock-in, and once the logistics of creating permission slips and getting staff coverage were taken care of, the rest was a piece of cake...zombie cake that is! Yes, those are gummy body parts! :)
As with all of my teen events, I set this up carnival style with multiple stations that the teens could participate in so that there was never a back-up. Teens could create Zombie Barbies...

Work with a former Rockstar Games video game animator, Tom Carroll, to create flip book and claymation monsters...

Make themselves over at the America's Next Top Monster Make-Over Station...

Create Zombigami...
Compete in the Zombie Apocalypse Survival Challenge...
Chat with the author of Rot & Ruin, Jonathan Maberry...
And, of course, pig out!!!

The night ended with a monster runway show and prizes for all of the winners!
You can view all of our lock-in photos (including the runway show) on Flickr.
If you'd like to host your own Creatures of the Night party or have any questions about participating in next year's nationwide lock-in feel free to ask!