I really hate to gripe about this and so please don't take this as a complaint, but I have too many teens interested in volunteering! Or maybe it is better to say “I have all these teens and not enough work!” Before I start in with my story, let me just say that I LOVE my teen volunteers, they are amazing hard workers and don't know what I would do without them. I suppose this post is exactly what the title implies, a cry for help, maybe some advice from my experienced teen/youth services librarians. I’m also wondering, do other Youth Service Librarians struggle with this issue?
Currently, I have about 30 teen volunteers. I have about 3-4 volunteering at any given time after school and on weekends. They help with tutoring, leading and assisting with programs, shelving, preparing for crafts, stamping books, folding monthly calendars, and of course, they are a huge help during Summer Reading Program with sign-ups and handing out prizes. 30 is a good number. It suits our library's needs. There are times where I am scrambling, trying to find something for them to do, but generally it works. But I certainly cannot handle more.
My current procedure is that once a volunteer comes onboard, is trained and is working out; they can stay as long as they want. When one drops, a new one can be added. So it is very difficult to estimate when a new applicant will be able to volunteer. My branch manager suggested that I limit their time to only one semester or season, such as fall semester, spring semester and summer. Then when it is over, they leave and I train a whole new group. I see 3 problems with this:
- Time commitment - Training takes a lot of time and patience and I would hate to send a volunteer away once they are independent and knowledgeable about the collection.
- Shooting myself in the foot - While I have a lot of applicants, I don't know if I would have enough to have new groups every semester. Let’s say only 20 applicants apply for spring semester and then who do I choose from my old semester to fill the remaining 10 spots?
- Teens have an agenda - They need to fulfill a certain amount of volunteer hours, which may not be able to be completed in one semester.
Too much of a good thing: that is my problem. Any advice?